Monday, May 29, 2006

Sunday May 21st (erin)

We (minus Jen who was sick) went out to Tekera where our friend Einer lives. We hired a driver, Nasser, who is really funny. He sang the whole way but it was good music that we knew from the Tropic Inn. It was also funny because Nasser didn't know the way to Tekera but every person that he stopped along the way to ask for directions (children, boda boda drivers, grandfathers on bicycles...etc.) all knew the muzungu Einer and pointed us in the right direction! He is a legend out there. Einer had two of the boys (Joseph and Joseph Jr...popular name in Uganda) from the village take us into the jungle to look for monkeys. We came across the deadly black mamba snake in our path! It was very small but apparently if it bit us we'd be dead in 5 minutes. We weren't really scared until the local boys ran away!! And we found out then that our driver was also deathly afraid of snakes and for the rest of the adventure, he carried a big stick with him. It was very entertaining. Especially when he kept saying, "any snake that wants to come near me, I will kill you!" Even though we knew he'd be running at the first hint of a snake.
After having to retrace our steps a few times and having to hack our way through the bush with a machete (don't worry the machete was not in any of our hands!), we found monkeys! They were small but cute. Kind of far away but fun to watch them leap from tree to tree. Some big birds there too, kind of like toucans Carli thought. We came across some freakish looking bugs on our journey as well. Can you believe that out of the three of us that I was the bravest one in the forest???....really I think Africa is agreeing with me more than I care to believe. We got to try a new fruit too that was very very very sour, but I loved it! I was the only one who didn't spit it out and asked for more. Yum. We also had some berries that were guaranteed not poisonous. Trusty guides we had. Then the boys picked some flowers for Einer and for us. Very cute. We then had lunch at the local restaurant (the other Brovad, haha, inside joke). It was a little wooden hut with benches. Good food with huge portions, ridiculous big really. Chandra and I politely refused the big hunk of fish but Carli was brave and had some, minus the guts and pooh that was still in it...they don't guy fish here before cooking.

So things here are well. Missing White Spot, Joey Tomatoes, Lhy Thai, veggie burgers etc...but other than that it's ok! Is it true that Canada has agreed to go to war with USA against Afghanistan?? Please update us on the local news.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi there gang. I have returned from my time in South Africa/Botswana and have been catching up on your experiences in Uganda. It sounds like there are adventures around every corner, not the least of which is encountering the deadly black mamba in the thick of the jungle. Much safer to come across on the discovery channel I imagine. Things seem to be settled in terms of your practicum experiences and I wonder what will seem more foreign when you are back in Vancouver, the western lifestyle or what you have grown accustomed to in Masaka. My trip was hectic with plenty of contact with family members and the local wildlife, although distinguishing between the two can be difficult at times. Look forward to reading more entries and stay safe. Lawrence.